Bybit Affiliates: Eba Molekane 'me u ikopanye le Lenaneo la Phetisetso

Bybit Affiliates: Eba Molekane 'me u ikopanye le Lenaneo la Phetisetso
Papatso e kopanetsoeng e fetohile mokhoa o ntseng o ata oa hore batho ka bomong le likhoebo ba fumane chelete inthaneteng ka ho bapatsa lihlahisoa kapa litšebeletso tse fanoang ke lik'hamphani. Bybit, e leng phapanyetsano e ka sehloohong ea phapanyetsano ea chelete ea crypto, e fana ka lenaneo la eona la kopanelo, e lumellang basebelisi ho fumana likomishene ka ho lebisa barekisi ba bacha sethaleng sa bona. Tataisong ena, re tla fana ka thuto e felletseng ea mohato ka mohato mabapi le mokhoa oa ho kenela Lenaneo la Affiliate la Bybit le ho qala ho hlahisa chelete ka ho bapatsa ka kopanelo.

Lenaneo la Affiliate la Bybit ke eng?

The Bybit Affiliate Programme e fana ka likhomishene tsa bophelo bohle ba balekane, tse baloang ka nako ea nnete bakeng sa basebelisi ba ingolisang ka lihokelo tsa balekane ba rona mme ba hoeba ka mafolofolo sethaleng sa Bybit. Ho feta moo, basebetsi-'moho le rona ba tla rua molemo ho mookameli oa akhaonto ea inehetseng ea ka fanang ka thuso ka litlhoko tsa ho bapatsa le tsa tekheniki, 'me qetellong a ntlafatse litekanyetso tsa ho sokoloha le ho eketsa meputso ea khomishene.

Melemo ea Bybit Affiliate

  • Likhaello tse Molemo: Fumana litheolelo tse makatsang tsa ho fihla ho 65% ho li-commissions le meputso e tlase.
  • Libonase tsa Khoeli le Khoeli: Basebetsi ba Atlehileng ba Bybit ba fumana li-airdrops tsa bonase tsa khoeli le khoeli e le likhothatso.
  • Keletso ea Melemo: Sebelisa monyetla oa ho khothaletsa matsete kapa ho etsa lethathamo la merero ho Bybit.
  • Liketsahalo tse Ikhethileng: Kenya letsoho liketsahalong tse ikhethileng tsa khoebo tse etselitsoeng balekane ba rona feela.
  • Thuso ea VIP: Fumana monyetla oa ho fumana tšehetso ea bareki, ea motho a le mong bosiu le motšehare.
  • Likhaello tsa Bophelo Bohle: Natefeloa ke nako ea puseletso e sa feleng e tšoarellang ts'ebelisanong ea hau le Bybit.

Joang ho kenela Lenaneo la Affiliate la Bybit?

The Bybit Affiliate Programme e bulehetse barupeluoa ba fapaneng, ho kenyeletsoa li-blogger, ba susumetsang, baphatlalatsi, baetsi ba litaba ba nang le liwebsaete tse tšoanelehang, software ea khoebo le baetsi ba lisebelisoa tsa mehala, hammoho le bareki ba Bybit ba nang le marang-rang a mangata a barekisi.

Mohato oa 1: Qala ka ho etela sebaka sa marang-rang sa Bybit Affiliate . Batla konopo ea " Etsa kopo " e k'honeng e kaholimo ho le letona, 'me u tobetse ho eona ho fihlella leqephe la kopo e kopanetsoeng.
Bybit Affiliates: Eba Molekane 'me u ikopanye le Lenaneo la Phetisetso
Mohato oa 2: Tlatsa liforomo.

1. Kenya aterese ea hau ea lengolo-tsoibila le password, ebe o tobetsa "Create Account".
Bybit Affiliates: Eba Molekane 'me u ikopanye le Lenaneo la Phetisetso
2. Netefatsa lengolo-tsoibila la hau ka ho fana ka khoutu ea netefatso ea lengolo-tsoibila ho tlatsa kopo ea hau.
Bybit Affiliates: Eba Molekane 'me u ikopanye le Lenaneo la Phetisetso
4. Tlatsa lintlha tsa hau tsa botho, ho kenyelletsa le sebaka sa bolulo sa hau le lintlha tsa hau tsa ho ikopanya. Ebe o tobetsa konopo ea "Submit".
Bybit Affiliates: Eba Molekane 'me u ikopanye le Lenaneo la Phetisetso
Mohato oa 3: Kamora ho ingolisa ka katleho, sehlopha sa Bybit se tla etsa tlhahlobo ea litšoaneleho, likopo tsohle li tla hlahlojoa nakong ea lihora tse 24.
Bybit Affiliates: Eba Molekane 'me u ikopanye le Lenaneo la Phetisetso

Bybit Affiliate Commission

Fumana chelete ea khoeli le khoeli bakeng sa mosebelisi e mong le e mong eo u mo tlisang sethaleng sa khoebo sa Bybit.
Bybit Affiliates: Eba Molekane 'me u ikopanye le Lenaneo la Phetisetso

Mokhoa oa ho hula Moputso oa hau ho Bybit

Mohato oa 1: Kena ho Bybit Affiliate Backend ea hau.

Mohato oa 2: Ho dashboard, fumana 'me u tobetse ho "Tlosa" khetho k'honeng e kaholimo ho le letona.

Mohato oa 3: Kenya chelete ea ho ntša chelete eo u lakatsang ho e kopa ebe u tobetsa 'Tlosa.' Chelete eo u e kopileng e tla fetisetsoa hang-hang Leqepheng la Matlotlo ho Akhaonto ea hau ea Khoebo ea Bybit.

Mohato oa 4: Ka har'a Ak'haonte ea hau ea Khoebo ea Bybit, qala ho ntša thepa e tloaelehileng atereseng eo u e ratang ea sepache sa kantle.

Qetello: Ikopanye le Lenaneo la Affiliate la Bybit bakeng sa Likhomishene tse Molemohali tsa Cryptocurrency

Ho kenela Lenaneo la Affiliate la Bybit e ka ba mokhoa o atlehang oa ho fumana chelete ka ho khothaletsa e 'ngoe ea liphapanyetsano tse ka sehloohong tsa li-cryptocurrency. Ka ho latela tataiso ena ea mohato ka mohato, u tla be u le tseleng ea ho ba 'maraka ea atlehileng oa kopanelo ea Bybit. Hopola ho lula u tseba ka lintlafatso tsa morao-rao tsa Bybit le lipapatso ho fana ka litaba tsa bohlokoa ho batho ba u rometseng le ho eketsa katleho ea hau ea ho bapatsa.